IT Project Management: 7 Best Practices For Successfully Managing IT Projects

IT Project Management: 7 Best Practices For Successfully Managing IT Projects

Successful project management requires you to strategize, budget, and work together with theteam you are given. A true understanding of project management is a skill that can be learnedthrough experience, research, and IT internships. Below are some helpful tips for IT projectmanagement.

1) Organise regular meetings

It's important for team members to communicate regularly throughout the project's duration.Regular meetings will make sure that takes place. With this, you'll be able to strengthen your

team communication skills, have members share their progress, and discuss concerns regardingthis and future projects.

It's important for team members to communicate regularly throughout the project's duration.Regular meetings will make sure that takes place. With this, you'll be able to strengthen your

team communication skills, have members share their progress, and discuss concerns regardingthis and future projects.

2) Plan Management

When managing projects, it's important to plan things ahead of time. You must decide whatactivities each member needs to do, set a realistic schedule, and manage the resources andbudget necessary to complete the project. Accomplishing these requires you to involve theteam in estimating how long the activities will take, set up milestones, and get the keystakeholders to review and agree to the plan.

Milestones are an important part of completing any project. They involve short-term goals forthe project. They are realistic objections and deadlines to help projects advance from one stageto another. Milestones make the task more manageable. It also provides motivation and letsteam members celebrate the small successes for completing each milestone.

3) Solve issues as they happen

When completing any project, problems are bound to happen. Luckily, having several memberson the team provides many different minds to help and advise in solving these issues.

When a team member picks up on an issue, it's important to address it immediately to maintainproductivity. Later, document the process and conclusion so team members have a record ofhow they solved it.

You can assign a team specifically dedicated to solving issues to sustain an efficient outcome.This will allow other team members to focus solely on their duties and produce the best resultson their part.

4) Tracking and Reporting Project Progress

Once your project starts, you must monitor and compare the current proceedings with theplanned progress. This will help you identify issues in planning or productivity. At the sametime, allowing you to map out ways to get the project back on track. The information will alsocome in handy when preparing future projects.

You will need progress reports from team members. Record the changes in the actual andplanned cost, schedule, and scope. All this information should be presented to the stakeholdersand manager, and to take corrective actions if variations get too large.

5) Understand what the stakeholders want

To successfully manage a project, you need to understand the motivations of the stakeholders.Knowing what they want will help you understand the best ways to deal with the task to theirliking.

Ask yourself, What are the best results they wish to see? Is this project super important tothem, or are they only tangentially connected? Is the project something they’re directlyaccountable for? Are they reliant on it for other work or results?

Stakeholders may not give you a direct answer on their intentions. And that's ok. simply bymanaging a good relationship with your coworkers and the higher-ups, you will have theinformation needed to help you bring the best results for the company.

6) Request feedback

Always be open to feedback. Receiving input from clients and team members will help improvethe final product. Feedback provides insight into your work and gives teams a unique

perspective. It can also increase customer satisfaction by ensuring the project meets theirexpectations.Surveying projects with team members increases satisfaction within the workforce. They mayfeel appreciated in the group and will allow you to gain a different perspective and ideas that'llhelp improve the project.

7) Review the project and the team's performance

Reviewing projects is helpful to maintain and improve ourselves for future designs. Managerscan identify which methods were most effective in the project and which aspects may needimprovement.By following up on the team's performances, each member will know how they succeeded andwhat setbacks occurred. This will better prepare them for future projects and improveprocesses to enable employees to grow.


Managers are the main people in charge of overseeing a project. It's their job to observe andguide the rest of the team into creating projects that meet customer expectations. Managersdesire leadership skills like task management, strong adequate communication competency,and productivity in eliminating potential issues.

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