AngularJS Programming (with Passion!)

Download PDF and Lab Zip files

Course Contents

  1. Introduction to AngularJS - PDF [Download FREE]
  2. Model, View, and Controller - PDF, Lab  [Download FREE]
  3. Data-binding - PDF, Lab  [Download FREE]
  4. Filter - PDF, Lab  [Download FREE]
  5. Services and DI- PDF, Lab  [Download FREE]
  6. Modules - PDF, Lab  [Download FREE]
  7. Forms- PDF, Lab  [Download FREE]
  8. Routing - PDF, Lab
  9. REST Programming - PDF, Lab
  10. Custom components - PDF, Lab
  11. Custom directives - PDF, Lab
  12. Debugging - PDF, Lab
  13. Unit testing - PDF, Lab
  14. End-to-End testing - PDF, Lab
  15. Animation - PDF, Lab
  16. Development tools (bower, grunt) - PDF, Lab
  17. Securing AngularJS applications - PDF, Lab
  18. Deployment - Lab
  19. I18N-Lab
  20. End-to-end application development - Lab